Today we discussed the actions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his impact on the relationships of people.  The children discussed how Dr. King used Learner Profiles such as Caring, Risk-Taking, and Open-Minded to "get the job done."

Here is a list of our Learner Profiles
  • inquirers--their natural curiosity has been nurtured and they actively enjoy learning
  • thinkers—they exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to solving complex problems
  • communicators—they receive and express ideas and information confidently in more than one language
  • risk-takers--they approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence to explore new ideas
  • knowledgeable—they have explored themes that have global significance and have acquired a critical mass of knowledge
  • principled—they have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning and have acquired integrity, honesty and a sense of justice
  • caring—they show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others, and have a sense of personal commitment to helping others
  • open-minded—they respect the values of other individuals and cultures and seek to consider a range of points of view
  • well-balanced—they understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being
  • reflective—they give thoughtful consideration to their own learning by constructively analyzing their personal strengths and weaknesses.
Which Learner Profile do you think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used to get his beliefs across and united the nation?

Dr. King is seen to many as a hero.  Who is your hero and which Learner Profiles do they show?

Have a great day!!

This week we are currently working on the Attitude of Empathy.

Definition:  putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

Activities to do with Empathy:

  1. Can your son/daughter find Empathy in their favorite movie?  Have them explain how and why.
  2. Read a story showing Empathy. (See list below)
  3. Ask your son/daughter how they used Empathy during school this past week.
  4. Have your son/daughter create a play or poem to show different ways they could use Empathy.

Book List about Empathy:

  1. Angelica's Wish. Written by Annette Menniti Campbell. Iillustrated by Olga M. Burger. Xlibris Corporation, 2004. 28 pages. A modern day fairy tale about the many hardships experienced by stray cats and one mother cat's wish. Fantasy picture book. Interest level: Gr. 2-6
  2. Buddy Unchained. Written by Daisy Bix. Illustrated by Joel Hyatt. Gryphon Press, 2006. 24 pages. Buddy the dog, once lived outside on the end of a chain. Buddy tells how he was rescued and placed with a loving family in this book dedicated to each person who helps to protect animals. KIND Children's Book Award. ASPCA Henry Bergh Children's Book Award. Fiction picture book. Interest level: Gr. K-3.
  3. Here, There and Everywhere: The Story of Sreeeeeeeet the Lorikeet. Written by Mira Tweti. Illustrated by Lisa Brady. With a foreward by Jane Goodall. Parrot Press, 2008. 47 pages. A young Lorikeet is snatched away from his family and brought to America where he is sold in a pet shop. The Lorikeet's guardians, a boy and his parents, soon realize the bird does not belong in captivity so they they return him to his native New Guinea where he is reunited with his family. This captivating story, based on actual events, will help bring much needed awareness to the plight of caged/imprisoned birds. Fiction picture book. Interest level: Grades 2 and up.
  4. Max Talks to Me. Written by Claire Buchwald. Illustrated by Karen Ritz. Gryphon Press, 2007. 24 pages. A story about the loving relationship between a boy and his dog where needs are communicated and met. An excellent title for teaching empathy. Click here for the teaching guide. A Humane Society Youth KIND Children's Honor Book. Fiction picture book. Interest level: Gr. K-3.
  5. Puddles On The Floor. Written by Lorena Estep. Illustrated by Dogs Deserve Better founder Tammy Grimes. Published by Crescent Renewal Resource, 2008. A poignant story based on actual events, about a sweet beagle pup who leads a tough, lonely life, chained to a doghouse, until he is rescued and placed with a loving family. Fiction picture book. Interest level: Gr 2-6. (paperback)
  6. Sam's New Friend. Written by Thierry Robberecht. Illustrated by Philippe Goossens. Clarion Books, 2008. 32 pages. Only boys are strong and brave, or so Sam thinks. Once Sam befriends a girl, he discovers just how strong and brave girls can be. An excellent story about empathy delivered by two adorable characters. Fiction picture book. Interest level: Gr. PreK-2.